A list of city names is enough to evoke the wonder of travel. “Trieste, Zurich, Paris.”—the closing line of James Joyce’s classic Ulysses—provides, as Alain de Botton writes, a record of the book’s production and the cosmopolitanism it grew out of. “Cairo, Bombay, Shanghai” traces other passages, trade routes perhaps or the wandering imagination of oriental fantasies similar to those that run through “Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca.” Thus listed, cities act like nodes along longer lines of travel. While some networks forge the outlines of territory, others trace less grounded modes of connection. The itineraries of travel, scribbled on parchment, etched in stone, or uploaded online, simply serve to recall journeys between places and the connections made and then subsumed within them...
Featuring work from Andrew Shanken, Sara Terreault & Matthew Anderson, Emma Natalya Stein, Sachin Bandukwala & Melissa Smith, Sarah Briggs Ramsey, and more.
Print editions of Issue 4 are currently sold out, but check out our PDF for free below!
Editors: Padma Maitland and Lawrence Yang
Faculty Advisors for the Special Issue: Andrew Shanken and Winnie Wong
Editorial and Production Team: Kevin Block, Lotus Grenier, Andrew Manuel, Lauren McQuistion, Miko-Raphael Mendoza, Mia Narell
Review Board: Hannah Airriess, Andrea Broaddus, Ying-Fen Chen, Julia Keblinska, Trude Renwick, Shivani Sud, Elizabeth Thelen, Katherine Zubovick
Copy Editor: Elsie Achugbe
Website: Mario Delgado
Graphic Design: Yeseul Allie Chung
Advisory Board: Greg Castillo, Ramona Naddaff, and John Parman